Does a Neti Pot Help You Breathe Better?


Cold and flu season giving you problems breathing? In recent years, saline irrigation, once prescribed by doctors post-sinus surgery has gotten very popular as a natural way to relieve allergies and sinus problems without the use of medication. 

The group American Family Physician explains that it bathes your nasal passages to treat sinusitis to viral symptoms.

You shower your body – should you shower your nose? A neti pot is key to a holistic practice originating in the Ayurvedic and yogic medical tradition. It's considered a staple daily habit like a body shower. So, should you add another daily shower so you can breather easier?  Yes, and no.

Yes, Find a Neti Pot 

The most common way of “showering” your nose is with a neti pot, a teapot-looking device that's fairly easy to find these days (links at the bottom). If your face hurts from sinus pressure, or you find your congestion unbearable, your first step is to see a doctor to identify infections or blockages. Otherwise, a neti pot or other method such as saline spray can remove dust, dirt, and pollen and loosen thick mucus that shows up because of allergies and colds. By cleaning out the particles, and irrigating nasal passages, you may be able to breathe easier immediately.

How often?

Ayurveda practitioners consider using a neti pot part of daily hygiene. Western doctors suggest you use neti pots one to three weeks at a time, when symptoms are occurring, or per your doctor’s guidance.  Whatever your choice, consider that your nasal mucosa is a first line of defense. You might feel better when you get that fresh neti pot feeling daily, but it might not be the best thing for you, so get medical data on your situation first, then see what works.

How to Use Neti Pots Safely

According to the FDA, neti pots themselves are safe for home use, but it can be problematic if we use tap water, which can contain low levels of organisms that can stay alive in nasal passages and cause infection.

Three things to remember:

  1. Use distilled or sterilized water

  2. Buy a proper saline solution mix or make one carefully 

  3. After using your neti pot, wash and dry thoroughly

If your symptoms don’t improve after regular use, visit your doctor, especially if you’ve experienced fever, nosebleed, or headaches. At the end of the day, it's personal, and it is worth considering for health benefits that can include deep and free yogic breathing, plus a most supported respiratory system - forever. Links

Great for beginners: Comfy Pot

Starter kit: Himalayan Chandra System

My pick: Health & Yoga Stainless Steel

The original version of this post first appeared in Vie Meditation.

This post contains affiliate links.


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