How To Endure The Yogi Way

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April 24, 2020 - Top athletes take care of their bodies, minds, spirits with endurance training, so they can be ready for peak performance when it counts. We're in one really, long moment in time, enduring social restrictions and asked/forced to live a daily existence that can take its toll. We might not need to perform at an elite level, but since we don't know (still) how long this will last, we need endurance training.

If we bring endurance training to our current COVID-19 situation, we might just lay the foundation for a peak life moving forward.

I'm a yogi, not a triathlete, but I can tell right away when a top athlete practices yoga (and not just the poses, but the mental training in particular). There is a mindfulness about the way they see the situation, move through it, and recover. This is resilience. We all need it.

I've put a totally practical yogi spin on endurance training. See if you can take better care of yourself right now and lay a foundation to feel even better when we emerge. All of it counts!

  1. HYDRATE. Water, water, water. Ayurveda tells us room temperature water so we don't impair agni, our digestive fire, which helps nutrients move through, fortify, and leave the body appropriately.

  2. WARM UP. Anything that asks your whole self to ramp it up needs a sec to get ready. Online class? Make sure there's a warm up to prepare the body for deeper work. Zoom meeting? Mentally get ready with three deep breaths and close your eyes for a screen reset.

  3. THE RIGHT GEAR. As best you can, set up your work area so you have good posture, proper eye-to-screen proportions, and a clear desk. You'll be more productive and less distracted by body aches and clutter. Home workouts? Make sure you clear the space and set it up for safety first. If you're practicing yoga, please have a good mat. (My recommendation and a discount is in product links, below.)

  4. STRENGTH TRAINING. Yoga strengthens and stretches muscles at the same time in asana. Here's what I would add: your brain could use strength training too, so meditate each day - even one or two minutes adds to your overall mental state-of-mind versus zero attempts. Here's my beginner's guide.

  5. EAT WELL. Whole foods. Less processed foods. Eat fresh. Moderate portions. Eat slowly and you will know better when you are full. More fruits and veggies. Try to stop eating and reading your phone at the same time. For me, when I started asking myself "why" and "how" before enjoying food, my whole food framework changed, and I never thought about a single diet ever again. For the record, I'm flexitarian, mostly plant-based. Oh, and here's an Ayurvedic Spring Salad.

  6. INTERVALS. Let yourself recover in between difficult tasks and sprints: work, life, child care, chores. Give yourself rest. Then hit it again.

  7. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Choose what you will do, eat, read. Spend your energy with meaning and purpose. Curate your activities and interactions (maybe by the chakras). One incredibly safe, aligned, breath-coordinated, life-changing chaturanga blows 10 inattentive chaturangas out of the water anytime. One great friend is worth 100 flaky frenemies (or more). You get the picture.

  8. REFUEL. To me, this is 100% about sleep, namaste. Your body repairs itself with deep sleep, and there's no replacement for that. Doing this also supports your immune system, which is 100 percent critical to being at the top of your game. Check out these sleep strategies.

This is endurance training the yogi way.


Yoga Mat
I'm frequently asked for my mat recommendation. After 20 years of trying everything, I choose Manduka Eko Lite 4mm (I'm not sponsored by them). My Seattle yoga studio, The Grinning Yogi, is sharing its discount with you. Go here and use the code GRINNING.

Metabolic Support in Your Water
I practice this: 1-2 drops in 16 oz stainless or glass water bottle 3x a day of Slim N Sassy metabolic blend (worst name, good product).

Full disclosure: I am a doTERRA wellness advocate. My aromatherapy practice and services are supported in a business partnership with a brand I trust to produce sustainable, quality products. If you would like to book a consult with me, I'd love to work with you. XO


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